I’m sure you recall the breathless reports earlier this year about the veritable flood of guns from the US to Mexico (no doubt to compensate the Mexicans for the absolute flood of their citizens northward, but I digress). Why, it was an apocolypse in the making, and we might even have to revoke US citizens rights to keep and bear arms to stop it.
Uh-huh. Sure.
So after months of increased BATFE-EIEIO activity at the border, we have this equally breathless report from KRGV in Rio Grande Vally, Texas:
Feel free to go read the entire story (there are a few more paragraphs) and watch the 1:54 video report. Read and listen carefully, because the astute reader/listener is going to notice something.
No numbers. No statistics. No arrests, perhaps?
What? Why, it’s a “target rich environment”–how could this be? The third largest gun trafficking hub and there seem to have been no arrests. A bit odd, don’t you think? A number of investigations that have been going on for months, and no arrests.
If I were the ATF agent in the video interview, I’d be dizzy from spinning so much.