Home2018January4Guns by the numbers, by a sociologist Guns by the numbers, by a sociologist January 4, 2018February 15, 2021 It’s nice when you have the numbers to support your position. Yes Virginia, we are the good guys.
Follow this advice and go to jail (Via the Drudge Report) “If there’s ever a problem,” Biden said he told his wife Jill, “just walk out on…
Why would you walk away from training you had paid for? Oh, because the instructor is unsafe? That ought to be enough, don’t you think? Sean Sorrentino, the proprietor an An…
A wake up call if I ever saw one (Via Open Source Defense) Obviously this isn’t news. We’ve all heard about the church shooting in White Settlement, TX by…
Dr. Yamane, thank you for taking a fair look at firearms and the gun culture. Besides, it's always a pleasure to promote the work of our local universities. Reply
Thanks for taking note of my work. Cheers!
Dr. Yamane, thank you for taking a fair look at firearms and the gun culture. Besides, it's always a pleasure to promote the work of our local universities.