Home2018January2I’m probably the last to wish you this I’m probably the last to wish you this January 2, 2018February 15, 2021 But I’d like to wish everyone who drops by a Happy, Prosperous and perhaps most importantly, Boring New Year.
Occassionally, the ACLU gets it right (Via the Drudge Report) While the (probably) vast majority of police officers are the sort of stand-up folks we’d all…
What happened? Did I go to sleep and wake up in a surveillance state? From Ars Technica: Congress urged to investigate ISPs…
Maybe not so much Didja ever notice how much the Left loves democracy–until it doesn’t give them the result they want? I didn’t vote…
Already got the Boring part down pat- got up for work 1JAN18 at 4:15AfrigginM. Sigh.