Home2013February20Follow this advice and go to jail Follow this advice and go to jail February 20, 2013February 15, 2021 (Via the Drudge Report) “If there’s ever a problem,” Biden said he told his wife Jill, “just walk out on the balcony here–walk out, put that double barrel shot gun and fire two blasts outside the house — I promise you whoever is coming in … You don’t need an AR-15, it’s harder to aim, it’s harder to use…Buy a shotgun! Buy a shotgun!” Not only can anyone grow up to be President, but it seems nothing is a bar from being VP, either.
The NRA, its positions and my relationship to them–one last time I’m going to address this subject one final time. After this, anyone who brings it up is going to get…
Further thoughts on why you stay away from demonstrations (Via Michael Bane on Facebook) We’ve talked about how your presence at one of the current crop of demonstrations violates…
Get your gun owner on The NSSF has downloadable cards/fliers/smallish posters that you can use to show folks why you’re proud to be a gun…