
I hate starting off a Sunday morning like this. The article is short, so I’m going to quote the whole infuriating thing:

A small fire broke out inside a building in the 3400 block of River Hills Drive in Newtown Friday night.

When firefighters opened the building they found hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition. Some had been fired, others had not.

“We have some concerns in the fact that we have some rather large quantities of explosive materials,” said Chief Tom Driggers, of the Little Miami Joint Fire and Rescue District.

Edwin Wolfer III owns the property and the ammunition. Wolfer is licensed to own it and is a dealer.

Chief Driggers, however, said his fire department should have been made aware that it was there.

“Because of the uncertainty as to why it’s in here, the quantities of it’s being here – the fact that there was no permit process – we’ve notified the ATF,” said Chief Driggers.

The Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms along with the Hamilton County bomb squad responded to the scene.

The fire was put out quickly and no one was injured during the incident.

The case remains under investigation.

At least we don’t have the usual media madness surrounding this. However, we do have the standard “only ones” BS to fisk.

When firefighters opened the building they found hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition. Some had been fired, others had not.

I’d love to know if the “fired” ones had cooked off due to the heat of the fire or were simply fired brass. You know chief, there is a market for fired brass, either as reloading components or as scrap. Both are totally legal pursuits.

“We have some concerns in the fact that we have some rather large quantities of explosive materials.”

Not really chief. Smokeless powder is a propellant, not an explosive. Don’t they teach you the difference between propellants (which burn very hot and very fast, but don’t explode) and explosives (which do go “boom”)?

Chief Driggers, however, said his fire department should have been made aware that it was there.

“Because of the uncertainty as to why it’s in here, the quantities of it’s being here – the fact that there was no permit process – we’ve notified the ATF,” said Chief Driggers.

Well chief, you answered your own question–there’s no permit process. That means that Edwin Wolfe, owner of the property and apparently a licensed dealer (hey, read the article, chief) didn’t have to notify you–under your own rules. But of course, you saw fit to involve not only the bomb squad, but the ATF. Just in case you’d caught yourself a bona fide domestic terrorist, I’m sure.

Oh, and Chief Driggers…I just love the way you work the idea that Mr. Wolfe is some sort of outlaw into your comments, without ever saying anything that he could sue your statist ass off in court over.

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