How private is your browsing?

(Found on Gab)

For a goodly while I’ve been using the Brave web browser and have been quite pleased with its (and its associated search engine, Brave Search) performance. Brave is a Chromium browser, which means it’s descended from Google Chrome. However, there are always new contenders in the privacy space.

Per their website, “ is an open-source initiative that subjects popular web browsers to a suite of automated tests. These tests are designed to audit web browsers’ privacy properties in an unbiased manner. The results of the tests are made public to help users make an informed choice about which browser to use, and to encourage browser makers to fix leaks of private user data.”

Through them, I found the LibreWolf browser, which is descended from Firefox and is rated higher than Brave in some areas. I’m giving it a test drive now. Give the site a look and see if you see something that strikes your fancy and better protects your privacy. You don’t have much left in this world; you’d better protect what you can.

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