Clearing some tabs

It’s been a busy few days, and tomorrow is an early and busy day. I have a number of tabs I’ve been holding to write about, but no time. So, you get them with just a brief explanation. No attributions, because they’ve been hanging out that long.

From Philster Holsters, The Basics of Concealment Mechanics. They have a good channel on YouTube, too.

From The Federalist, America Won’t Survive If Only The Left Is Playing To Win. Pretty much.

From The Armory Life, Plate Carrier Set-Up 101: Duty vs Civilian. You do have plates, right?

From ZeroHedge, Summer Preview: Rolling Blackouts, Higher Gas Prices, Natural Gas Rationing In Europe And A Historic Diesel Crisis. As if things aren’t bad enough in Europe. And expect the same here, perhaps not as bad and not as widespread.

Also from ZeroHedge, Nigerian Governor Orders Mass Issuance Of Gun Permits To Counter Murderous Hordes. We don’t want the peasants armed-until we need them to fight a war.

Still another from ZeroHedge, The Age of Discord. Kind-sorta how we got here, but not really.

Tomorrow, I’m off to the Southeast Old Threshers Reunion to stress test the ankle/knee. Nieghbor Across the Street is letting us borrow his golf cart, and I plan on keeping it short. Ri-i-ght. In many ways, this ought to be interesting.

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