Home2020December20Sunday Reading Sunday Reading December 20, 2020February 15, 2021 Would you be uninterested if I told you my reading for the week was ham radio manuals? I figured so. Enjoy your Sunday.
Sunday Reading Honestly, I haven’t had time for reading books this week. Too busy reading things like this: Attorney Sidney Powell on…
Sunday Reading I’ve been sharing the occasional thing I’ve read with The Email List That Must Not Be Named. When looking at…
Sunday Reading Published in late 2014, William Forstchen’s novella Dies Irae could easily be read in a short afternoon (the audiobook, which…
Honestly, the average ham radio manual isn't much better than the average 70s stereo manual in my opinion. Which is why there are a lot of hams making YouTube videos and why the Nifty manuals sell so well. Reply
Uh – good manuals?…
Honestly, the average ham radio manual isn't much better than the average 70s stereo manual in my opinion. Which is why there are a lot of hams making YouTube videos and why the Nifty manuals sell so well.