Like a lot of folks, I’m watching the 2A Rally in Richmond, VA today. Nice and peaceful so far from all I can see from several outlets. But some of y’all aren’t helping-I’m looking at you, “A gun could have saved Jerry Epstein from suicide” sign dude.
More later.
I’m watching several streams, including the Breitbart one referenced above, plus
There have been random interviews with some well spoken folks. I’ve seen a few folks whose tempers appeared a bit frayed already. I also saw one ambulance come through.
One thing that strikes me is that there doesn’t seem to be nearly as many live streams as there were in Charlottesville.
Seems like all the streams I’m monitoring are dropping off or are breaking up so much they’re unwatchable. I imagine there are so many people there that the infrastructure is being overwhelmed.
So far, it all seems to be going amazingly well. Some folks that are media fodder, but for the most part, seems like a lot of pretty normal people. Breitbart’s feed just showed some of them cleaning up trash. Get a bunch of Antifa to do that. I mean, unless they’re on a chain gang.
Oh boy. Now Breitbart is showing a bunch of Communists trying to bait the crowd.
And the police have shown up to ensure everyone stays separated and peaceful. Sound is out; I’d love to hear what’s going on.
Went to the actual Facebook feed. That has sound.
Don’t you know the people at Facebook are steaming over Breitbart using their platform like this? And if they cut them off, the whole world gets to see their hypocrisy.
Richmond PD did a nice job keeping things calm and escorting the Revolutionary Communists out. Check out the website to see just how flakey this crowd is.
Seems like the crowd is thinning out. I guess a lot of them figure they’ve made their point. I also know that this time is when things can go pear-shaped.
Sound out on the Facebook feed now. Things appear to be perfectly calm.
Signing off now. Some thoughts on this this evening.
OK, it’s this evening, it seems to be all over. Mrs. Freeholder can stop rolling her eyes at what I’m watching. And here are those thoughts.
First, I’m happy beyond measure that nothing of any consequence happened. The crowd was exceptionally well behaved, and picking up the trash after themselves was a very nice touch. Several people remarked on that in interviews. The police were professional and showed zero bias in any direction as far as I could tell. Very refreshing after the mess in Charlottesville.
Second, while they did deliver their message, I’m not sure it does any good. The legislature wasn’t there as I understand, and Coonman Northam was probably hiding under his desk somewhere. If any good comes from this it will be that gun owners are not the freaks the media and Hollywood like to portray us as being.
I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t make the trip north, but I honestly expected some sort of orchestrated “event”, and I’m a firm believer in the whole “stupid places with stupid places with stupid people” thing, and this one felt like the time to take that advice. I have to wonder if nothing happened because of the efforts of the police, if all the publicity kept the bad actors on both sides away, or if the experience of Charlottesville caused some of them to reconsider.
Don’t be surprised if the VA legislature doubles down on stupid just to show those ridge-running peckerwoods who is running things. Don’t be surprised is they simply continue forward on their path to their stated goals. Do be surprised if today changes pretty much anything.