Home2019December24Meanwhile, in Virginia Meanwhile, in Virginia December 24, 2019February 15, 2021 (Via Rantingly) The sheriffs are having none of the state’s nonsense. “It is not law enforcement’s place to infringe upon the rights of law-abiding citizens. It is our obligation to protect them from those types of things being done.” Great to hear that from a CLEO.
In a week when David (Attention) Hogg was admitted to Harvard The adults in Florida come to the conclusion that education personnel who volunteer and are trained should be armed in…
What to do as a concealed carrier if you’re stopped by the police Given yesterday’s events in Palm Springs, CA, I can’t help but expect that most police officers will be a little…
Life in the time of Wuflu, Part 19: Trading the pandemic for riots I’ve tried to write this post 4 times since yesterday, gotten interrupted by something and come back to it only…