If you’ve ever made the mistake of trying to explain to people why they should be ready for emergencies, especially long duration emergencies, you’ve gotten what I think of as “The Line”:
“Oh, I’ll just come stay with you!”
To which my answer has often been “Looters are going to be shot on sight,” delivered utterly deadpan. That tends to shut the conversation down rather quickly, which at that point is my intention, because I figure they’re not taking it seriously anyway.
There are those who are a bit more charitable by nature, or who find themselves in a position where they can be more charitable. On SurvivalBlog, one such has written a well thought-out piece on how they plan on handling the situation.
Personally, I doubt they’ll ever need to put it into action, other than sending their messages. The people they’re aiming it at will be stuck in the outbound traffic, so it will all be moot.