This could go all kinds of wrong

As gunnies and concealed carriers, we all know that a meeting with the police has some amount of hazard to it. Anyone with a brain knows that, despite what we might wish to be true, certain groups have a well-founded fear of interactions with the police, based on painful experience. Dealing with someone who can deprive you of your freedom is, whether it should be or not, scary, especially if you aren’t the one instigating the contact.

Some of these problems are our fault. If you’re stopped by a cop and you decide to get your attitude on, even if you’re justified, even if the officer is wrong, it probably isn’t going to go well for you. Sure, if you’re justified, the cop should back off, but we adults  know that isn’t going to happen. Go along, document everything later and let your lawyer argue the point in court–you will never win the argument on the sidewalk. Even if it means getting arrested, you really need to STFU and ask for an attorney. Don’t argue with the po-po, I’m telling you.

In what I’m sure is an honest attempt to help young people learn the easy way, rather than by painful experience, how to successfully deal with the police, a North Carolina legislator has filed a bill that will make “what to do if you’re pulled over by an officer of the law” part of the driver education curriculum.

I want to look away, but I sense a train wreck coming.

One thought on “This could go all kinds of wrong

  1. What's the downside? Government-mandated brainwashing of the young drivers? I certainly coulda used some guidance the few times I was pulled over in my younger days. Now that I'm older, I kinda don't care what happens…

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