Bro, do you even Gab?

There’s a new social media platform out there that is unlike anything so far.  Not so much technologically, although that is also true to some extent, but in terms of attitude.  Gab is a Twitter-like platform where one and all are invited to, as they put it in hashtag form, #SpeakFreely.

Dedicated to the concept of free speech, Gab is not like Twitter, Reddit, Facebook and the like.  You may say, rant or even spew what you wish, and trust me, I’ve seen all three.  What Gab does differently is that they don’t act as supreme editor.  If you don’t want to see something, you  have control of the tools to block a user or posts with certain words/phrases.  The onus is on you if you want censorship.  In this way, Gab actually harks back to the days of the old Usenet newgroups, where we all had our “twit files”, into which went all the people we didn’t want to hear from any more.

There is a lot of MSM crap about Gab being all “alt-right”, whatever the hell that is.  I guess that means “Anyone who fails to agree with us,” or perhaps “Anyone who voted for Trump.”  I’m not seeing it.  So far, I haven’t seen the KKK burning crosses or the Nazis goose stepping down the virtual Main Street.  I have, however, seen folks like Claire Wolfe and Borepatch, along with Milo Yiannopoulos and Vox Day.

I’m happy to say that I was among the first 100,000 to get in (Yeah, I’m not that special) and Daughter was close behind.  I’m not sure what the current user count is, but it is a lively place, and pretty addictive at this point.  The Gab team is adding features, and I hear a smartphone app is due in December.

They’re letting in 25,000 or more folks per day, so if you’re interested, go get your name on the waiting list.  I believe it took Daughter 3-4 days, so it’s not a long wait.  I think you’ll find it worth your time, if for nothing else finding out just how much news is being censored.  If you don’t believe me, look up #pizzagate if you have a strong stomach.  Never heard of it prior to Gab, wish I hadn’t heard of it, and I hope that it gets broken wide-ass open and all of ’em get brought to justice.  This kind of justice.

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