Home2013April9It still rings true It still rings true April 9, 2013February 15, 2021 (Via the Drudge Report) Unless we change our ways and our direction, our greatness as a nation will soon be a footnote in the history books, a distant memory of an offshore island, lost in the mists of time like Camelot, remembered kindly for its noble past. Rest in peace, Lady Thatcher.
My head! Make it stop! That’s pretty much been me for nearly 3 weeks. For reasons unknown, my migraines went utterly out of control. Neurologist…
Bring enough gun (Via Toolmonger) Words fail me—see the video. Boy genius is incredibly lucky that he lived to be arrested.
Carnival of Cordite #58 Gullyborg returns from zombieland (or final exams, which is very close to zombieland) with the 58th installment of the beloved…