I remember when…

(Via the Drudge Report)

They called Reagan the “Teflon President” because nothing that was thrown at him ever stuck.  (We can save the debate for whether any of it should have for another day.) I guess we can now say that Obama is the “anti-Teflon President”, because every every unwarranted accolade that is tossed in his general direction seems to stick like glue.  The Atlantic Wire starts it off with Teh One being “Our First Gay-Female-Hispanic-Asian-Jewish President“.

Let’s join in the fun, and come up with all the other unlikely firsts he could be.  Obama can also be…

  • Our first Hells Angels President
  • Our First KKK President
  • Our first Nazi President
  • Our first John Birch President
  • Our first Space Alien President

OK, I grant you that that last one might have a grain of truth in it….

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