Home2011November22It seems we’ve pinned down the difference between liberals and everyone else It seems we’ve pinned down the difference between liberals and everyone else November 22, 2011February 15, 2021 (Original link (now broken) aia the Drudge Report) Everyone else apparently has a conscience. Who’da thunk it?
Well, I missed this one (Via Say Uncle) Bad guy shows up at a Stop-N-Rob that has decided that it doesn’t like concealed carry holders…
You mean our government would lie to us? The Sentencing Project (yeah, I know, it’s a somewhat suspect source) is reporting that Methamphetamine use is rare in most…
“Atlas Shrugged” was a Warning, not a Manual: Brother, can you spare a loan? (Via the Drudge Report) Missing $420,000, a small town in Oregon is seeking loans from its citizens if the banks…