Home2011October23Rule 4 Rule 4 October 23, 2011February 13, 2021 (Via the Drudge Report) It’s important, people. A man hunting with his grandson accidentally killed a U.S. Marine due to return to duty this week, after mistaking him for a bear in the Oregon wilderness, authorities said. Christopher Ochoa, 20, of French Camp, Calif., died at the scene in western Oregon Friday night. He had been hiking with a friend through a field and was wearing dark clothes, according to The Associated Press. Know your target and what is behind it.
Satire to be made illegal? (Via the Drudge Report) Only if it’s satire of the TSA. I guess they’re getting a bit touchy these days….
What…no outrage? (Via Timebomb 2000) A million people are out of power, some are out of water, and it’s the middle of…
Sell, sell, sell! (Via the Drudge Report) Sell you municipal bonds now. If you’re a state of local government employee, start looking for…