Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there.

For me, this one is bittersweet, since it’s the first one since my Dad died in January. I’m not all teary and depressed, but I’m a bit more aware of that Dad-sized hole in my world.

This is my Dad the last time we went trout fishing together. The water was low, and in 3 days we didn’t catch one fish. But we had a good time anyway.

Next week, I’m going to take his ashes back there and leave a bit of him in that same place. Hopefully he’ll be able to go fishing anytime he wants.

One thought on “Happy Father’s Day

  1. I cannot say I know what you are going through but I can say you were the light of your Dad's world and made it worth going through this world. I just had my son on April 26th and I can say with 100% certainty that you were what made it worth living so remember the good times.

    My wife and I will keep you in our prayers,

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