Now let’s see…

Reject your country’s constitutional strictures about term limits? Check.

Fire the person who refused to follow your unconstitutional orders? Check.

Get you ass tossed when the military decides your a danger to the country? Check.

Complain to the UN about how you’ve been mistreated. After all, the law is for those other people. Check.

Become the darling cause celeb of leftist governments around the world, including the US? Check.

DeShazo said Zelaya’s actions may have been unconstitutional, “but there are constitutional means for resolving these kinds of issues. That’s what should be the process.”

You know, I’d love to find out what oath the Honduran military swears when they join. You don’t suppose is has anything akin to “…I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same…”?

Yes, I know the next part is about obeying the order of the President. But the Constitution is listed first in the oath, and for a reason–as a military enlistee, that’s where you first loyalty lies. I suspect the Honduran military swears a similar oath (though I can’t prove it) and has went through a similar thought process recently.

But of course, things like duty and honor mean little to the left.

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