Home2009May15How about some good news for a change? How about some good news for a change? May 15, 2009February 15, 2021 (Via Wired) How about a plane full of passengers who were likely saved from a mid-ocean water landing by an observant USAF noncom in transit to his duty station. Staff Sgt. Bartek Bachleda, you are indeed Da Man!
Preparedness finds Hitting the local Wall-to-Wal-mart, I found two interesting finds in the flashlight section. The first is the Nite Ize LED…
Today I make an exception As a rule, I make a single post on December 7. I’m making an exception today.
Nag, nag, nag Yep, I’m back with my weekly “Have you written your Congresscritters?” nag. His Obamaness has made it clear he wants…