Home on the Range

I’ve been holding off on this, but it appears Brigid has taken the Home on the Range blog under wraps. I’m sure she has good reasons for this, and I probably missed them because I don’t read my own blogroll often enough. I had hoped that this was a misconfiguration, but enough time has passed that it obviously isn’t. It’s unfortunate that she’s had to do this; she was one of the best writers out there, and her voice will be missed.

Brigid, if you should happen by, drop us a note and let us know that things are well with you.

Edit, 3/21/2017: Well, the news isn’t from Brigid, but from Jed of Freedomsight. It seems that the unpleasantness from the election spilled over onto the Home on the Range and Brigid had to take it under due to trolls. I find that pretty amazing because while she did sort of sideways mention her leanings, she never really got involved in politics. In these days of increasing tribalism, I guess that isn’t good enough. If you want to see her take on it, plus a very good post on big round engines on planes, you can see it at .

I’m going to leave Home of the Range in the blogroll, just as a reminder of what we are in danger of losing.

Edit, 3/22/2017: I have heard directly from Brigid. She is well, and you can see a comment from her in the comments on this post. While she did not directly ask me to, I get the distinct impression that she would rather not have the site where is is guest blogging get passed around too widely. While I’m not the most widely read site on the Intertubz (waits for laughter to die down), I’m happy to cooperate in keeping the Cloak of Moderate I Can’t Quite Make Out What I’m Seeing in effect. So I’ve deleted a couple of comments and redacted that information from my edit above. I’m always happy to assist a lady.

4 thoughts on “Home on the Range

  1. Thanks for the mention. Unfortunately, I had to take it private, which totally limits my readers. An elderly, and well-intentioned reader, who I still think a lot of, shared one of my more conservative posts with a liberal education group, thinking he could "change their thinking" Mayhem ensued. I had literally JUST published my first fiction novel, a conservative Christian coming of age story so the timing was heart-breaking as sales then tanked.

    I AM guest posting on a friend's blog. I'll drop you the info on that in a private message.

    Thanks again for your kind words.

  2. Of course, one day I thought "I should try to copy a bunch of her recipes in case the site ever goes away. Nah, what're the chances of that?" The next time I went there… Dammit! Let's hope the trolls die and she comes back.

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